• 2021-04-14
    Which of the following is NOT true concerning “workshop”?? A workshop is a period of discussion and demonstration of the practical work on a particular subject.|A workshop implies a higher degree of formality.|A workshop emphasizes practical performance.|Many relevant activities like demonstrations and displays may be arranged in a workshop.
  • A workshop implies a higher degree of formality.


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      After the Industrial Revolution, America became the "workshop of the world".

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      My visit to the Clay Figurine Zhang Workshop was unforgettable.

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      — What’s your favorite ______?— Business English. A: sport B: pop music C: workshop D: subject

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      Unit 02-5 Wherearetheygoingto? A: Shop B: Workplace C: Workshop

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      青书学堂: ___the people in the workshop, Tonny is the most skilled.