• 2021-04-14
    以下哪一项表达最为准确?? Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation,;the first of which usually causing;the most fatalities.;|Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation, the first of which usually causes the most fatalities.;|Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation, the first of;them usually causes the most fatalities.;|Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation. The first of which usually causes the most fatalities.;
  • Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation, the first of which usually causes the most fatalities.;


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      The accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) causes global warming by letting sunlight into the atmosphere as _______. Then, when the earth re-radiates the heat back to space, the gases trap the energy in the form of outgoing ______. A: visible light, ultraviolet radiation B: infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation C: ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation D: infrared radiation, radio waves

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      Find the letter which will complete both pairs of words, ending the first word and starting the second. The same letter must be used for both pairs of words. Nea______ick fi______ub

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      In the cause-effect order, you must put forward causes first and effects second.

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      Which of the following is not the way of heat loss? () A: Shivering B: Radiation C: Conduction D: Convection E: Evaporation

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      We usually lie three times within the first ten minutes of meeting_______.