• 2022-06-01
    The word "awesome" in the passage means
    A: frightening
    B: causing fear and respect
    C: amazingly new
    D: awful
  • B


    • 0

      The word "it" in the last sentence of this passage means ______. A: the water B: the mountain C: the sea D: Japan

    • 1

      I have an _____ time at the party. I really enjoy the performance that is amazing. A: awesome B: awful C: awe D: awl

    • 2

      The word "bot" in "Yotel New York has such a bot" (Para. 5) means

    • 3

      Defeat means ________. ( ) A: enjoy B: fear C: failure D: success

    • 4

      The word chartered in the sentence The new airline is chartered by the government means ______________( ). A: hired B: certified C: modified D: banned