• 2021-04-14
    ()needs to be given at birth to prevent hemorrhagic disease(出血性疾病) of some newborns.
  • D


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      上消化道出血最常见的原因是() A: 门脉性肝硬化食管静脉曲张破裂 B: 消化性溃疡 C: 胆道疾病 D: 急性糜烂性出血性胃炎 E: 全身性疾病

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      Why will the woman take leave A: She is going on her honeymoon. B: She will give birth soon. C: She will take some training courses. D: She needs to stay home due to illness.

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      眼结膜有斑点状出血,常见于() A: 败血性传染病 B: 中毒性疾病 C: 以上都不是

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      鼻出血的全身病因与下列哪些疾病有关?() A: 急性传染性疾病 B: 心血管疾病 C: 出血性疾病 D: 内分泌功能紊乱 E: 以上都是

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      One focus of _______ care is to prevent disease through regular physical exams and health screaming.