• 2022-06-01
    A woman in the crowd whispered loudly, "that damned infidel".
    A: antithesis
    B: alliteration
    C: oxymoron
    D: metaphor
  • C


    • 0

      Antithesis and alliteration are excellent ways to enhance the imagery of a speech.

    • 1

      “The flowers danced in the breeze” is an example of: A: Personification B: Hyperbole C: Oxymoron D: Alliteration

    • 2

      He passed a sleepless night. A: Transferred Epithet B: Antithesis C: Synecdoche D: Oxymoron

    • 3

      From this nothing will turn us--nothing.( ) A: simile B: metaphor C: oxymoron D: repetition

    • 4

      Which of the following devices is not phonological? A: Alliteration B: Assonance C: Consonance D: Metaphor