• 2022-05-31
    “Submit resignation” can be replaced by “submit” in news writing.
    A: 正确
    B: 错误
  • B


    • 0

      there are websites where students can ________ math homework problems to a math expert. A: submit B: impose C: isolate D: entitle

    • 1

      This news of his resignation was featured in all the papers.

    • 2

      Which statement of quotation is wrong? A: Vague quotations are preferred in news writing. B: Don’t use quotations filled with commonly-known facts or insignificant information. C: Don’t use direct quotations in news leads writing if the quotations don’t bear dramatic effects. D: Long direct quotations are not preferred in news writing.

    • 3

      Editorializing should be avoided in news story writing, unless you are writing an editorial or personal-opinion column. A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 4

      Javascript中制作图片代替按钮的提交效果需要手动提交方法submit( ),以下调用正确的是( ) A: submit() B: myform.submit() C: document.myform.submit() D: window.myform.submit()