• 2022-05-31
    If you can go a little lower, I can give you an order on the [ ] .
  • spot


    • 0

      I can give you a lift to your company. A: You can drive my car to work. B: I’ll help you cross the street. C: You can come to my office. D: I can drive you to work.

    • 1

      - Can I take your order now? - _____. A: Yes, you can B: Yes, Please C: No, you can’t D: No, I am not ready

    • 2

      I'll give you all the facts______ you can judge for yourself.

    • 3

      You may ______ that this money belongs to you. I can give it to you anytime you want.

    • 4

      I can"t give you ______ for the type of car you sell because there"s no demand for it in the market. A: an expense B: a purchase C: a charge D: an order