• 2022-05-31
    Public opinion was becoming more ________ on environmental pollution problems; more and more people were discussing and arguing about them.
    A: concentration
    B: concentrated
  • B


    • 0

      The more money people have, the more successful they are. A: Fact B: Opinion

    • 1

      ‌2. ——Most young people want to ______ more about environmental problems.‌‌ ——Yes. But everyone knows about pollution problems, not many people have ______ any solutions.‌‌‌ A: look up; looked into B: find out; come up with C: make sure; come out with D: make out; thought over

    • 2

      More and more people are beginning to learn English,____is becoming very popular in China.

    • 3

      Besides them, we need _____ to do the work. A: fifteen people more B: more fifteen people C: fifteen more people

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: Consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of environmental protection and paying more attention to the issue of sustainability.