• 2022-05-31
    Which of the following is true about American high school education?
    A: Fighting at school is permissible.
    B: Massive parties happen every weekend in high school.
    C: Many high school students drive themselves to school.
    D: It is legal for high school students to drink alcohol.
  • C


    • 0

      Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. A: The reason behind the low high school graduation rate. B: The best time to help students graduate from high school. C: An organization which helps students graduate from high school. D: The number of students who graduate from high school.

    • 1

      I ___ to broadcasting school after high school.

    • 2

      When they were high school students,they

    • 3

      The high school _____ 300 students this summer.

    • 4

      For whom is A.P. course prepared for?? Middle school students; |Postgraduate students|College students ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;|High school students ; ; ; ; ; ;;