• 2022-05-31
    In fact he had done_______ he could do to help the poor.
    A: what
    B: which
    C: that
    D: where
  • A


    • 0

      His parent did not know why ________ his homework. A: did he not do B: did he not to do C: he had not done D: he had done not

    • 1

      What ______ Jim ________ by the time he was seven? A: did, do B: had, done C: have, done

    • 2

      If only he __________ what I tell him, but he won’t. A: had done B: would do C: would have done D: has done

    • 3

      He could not help having ___for the poor creature.

    • 4

      His promotion was due to ______ he had been working hard( ). A: what B: the fact that C: that D: the fact which