• 2022-05-31
    A private cloud ________.
    A: may impact the cloud standardization
    B: etain greater customization and organizational control
    C: is Internet-based
    D: is Intranet-based
  • A,B,D


    • 0

      "根据美国国家标准与技术研究院()定义,云计算部署模式主要包括:()多选 A: 公有云(Public<br/>Cloud) B: 私有云(Private<br/>Cloud) C: 混合云(Hybrid<br/>Cloud) D: 社区云(Community<br/>Cloud)

    • 1

      ____________represented computers of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) A: cloud B: Router C: internet

    • 2

      ______is the use of computing resources(hardware and software)which are available in a remote location and deliverd as a service over a network(typically the Internet). A: Virtualzation B: Internet of things C: Cloud computer D: Cloud computing

    • 3

      Which of the following does not belong to cloud computing or cloud<br/>storage() A: Ali Cloud B: Baidu Cloud C: Vipshop D: iCloud

    • 4

      ()is the use of computing resources(hardware and software)that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). A: Virtualization B: Intemet of things C: Cloud computer D: Cloud computing