• 2022-05-31
    In the early stages of a new venture, the goal of product development and design should be to determine the () as comprehensively as possible, and to test and verify them as quickly as possible.
    A: minimum viable business product
    B: product design plans
    C: important assumptions
    D: business models
  • C


    • 0

      中国大学MOOC: Taking an engineer or scientist involved in product design and development is always _____________.

    • 1

      Compared with the traditional design, the design scope of DFE will A: Be reduced from the whole life cycle of the product to the product itself B: Be extended from the product itself to the whole life cycle of the produc C: Be traced from the product itself back to the raw material acquisition D: Be extended from the product itself to the end-of-life and recycling of the product

    • 2

      Which of the following should be a part of the new product development process?

    • 3

      4. What is Sarah requesting? A: A. For James to design the perfume. B: B. For James to have a meeting with the product design department to help them with the packaging of the perfume. C: C. For James to ask Patricia for permission to sell the perfume. D: D. For James to move to the product design department.

    • 4

      The product strategy in which companies first determine the price at which they can sell a new product and then design a product that can be produced at a low enough cost to provide an adequate profit margin is referred to as: A: a. full costing B: b. target costing C: c. predatory pricing D: d. discriminatory pricing