• 2022-05-31
    5.It is proved that making a mistake may __________ to be a good thing because you can learn something from the mistake.
    A: turn down
    B: turn in
    C: turn out
    D: turn over
  • C


    • 0

      You can ( ) those mistakes ( ) a big step toward your success. A: turn….on B: turn….into C: turn…in D: turn…out

    • 1

      Before making an important decision, you should turn the matter _____ in your mind. A: in B: down C: out D: over

    • 2

      She ____ all the job offers and plans to be a housewife. A: turn out B: turn down C: turn in D: turn up

    • 3

      I am sure it will all ( )well in the end . A: turn up B: turn down C: turn out D: turn in

    • 4

      I am so tired now that I want to ___. A: turn in B: turn over C: turn up D: turn down