• 2022-06-03
    revise the following paragraphThis paragraph uses only simple sentences. Not onlyis it monotonous to read, but the author has also failed to give the reader clues about whatis the most important information. In order to fix this paragraph,you need to determine which ideas are foundational to the paragraph and which simply provide examples. By subordinating some ideas,you will be able to create variety and emphasize key ideas.Keeping things cool is one of the best inventions of this century. Air conditioners keep houses cool. Refrigerators keep food cold. Temperature controls keep cars cool. This may seem expensive. It requires a lot of electricity. Power is a commodity. Really, it saves money. Food lasts longer. People are more productive. Transportation is more effective. The ability to control cold is clearly important.
  • Possible revision:The ability to control temperature is one of the best inventions of this century. From air conditioners to refrigerators to temperature controls, we have developed the power to keep things cool. At first, the amount of electricity these inventions use may seem expensive, especially given how precious a commodity power is. However, the long term effects save consumers money, as food lasts longer and comfortable conditions allow people to be more productive and efficient in their work and travel. There’s no way around it: the ability to control cold is clearly important.


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      As you continue to learn more about foreign cultures you may often have to revise your ideas and opinions.

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      It’s very cold outside. You should put on more clothing to (), otherwise you will catch bad cold. A: keep it out B: make it out C: keep out it D: keep off it

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      "They can also save some” in the last paragraph means______.(1.2) A: they can keep some money for later use B: they can keep some goods they need C: they can keep money from getting rotten D: they can keep their goods from being damaged

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      Which of the following statements about résumé headings is correct? A: Use as many headings as you can to provide more information. B: Provide as many details as you can within the same heading. C: Keep the résumé as concise as you can and make it easy to follow. D: Arrange the important headings as close to the end as you can.

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      nullA coherent paragraph flows smoothly from beginning to end. A reader can follow your ideas easily because one sentence leads naturally to the next one. Which one is an improper way to make your paragraph coherent? A: Using nouns and pronouns consistently throughout a paragraph B: Using transition signals to show relationships among ideas C: Involving sudden jumps D: Putting your ideas into logical order