• 2022-06-03
    What is the basic style of the official art academy in the Qing Dynasty?( )
    A: Fresh and natural style
    B: Luxurious and elegant style
    C: Quiet and light style
    D: Style with abundant interest and charm
  • B


    • 0

      CSS指的是(2.0) A: Creative Style Sheets B: Cascading Style Sheets C: Computer Style Sheets D: Colorful Style Sheets

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      CSS指的是(2.0) A: Creative Style Sheet B: Cascading Style Sheet C: Computer Style Sheet D: Colorful Style Sheet

    • 2

      CSS指的是(3.0) A: Creative Style Sheets B: Cascading Style Sheets C: Computer Style Sheets D: Colorful Style Sheets

    • 3

      The style in the Song Dynasty was delicate and exquisite.

    • 4

      As learning the ______ is considered the first step to learning calligraphy, students of calligraphy should master this style before attempting others. A: grass style B: running style C: regular style D: clerical style