• 2022-06-03
    中国大学MOOC: China is a vast country with diverse culinary culture. There are eight regional cuisines in China. Which of the following doesn’t belong to eight regional cuisines?
  • Henan Cuisine


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      Which one does not belong to the Eight Regional Cuisines? A: Beijing cuisine B: Shandong cuisine C: Sichuan cuisine D: Hunan cuisine

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      中国大学MOOC: Which one does not belong to the Eight Regional Cusines?

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      Traditionally there are eight main regional cuisines, or Eight Great Traditions, which are from such places as ______. A: Anhui B: Fujian C: Hunan D: Shandong

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      Which of the following are among the Eight Typical Cuisines in China? ( ) A: Hunan Cuisine B: Guangdong Cuisine C: Beijing Cuisine D: Shangdong Cuisine

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      Which of the following is not included in the Eight Cuisines in China? A: Sichuan Cuisine B: Zhejiang Cuisine C: Fujian Cuisine D: Hong kong Cuisine