• 2022-06-03
    What does John mean
    A: He won’t lend the woman money.
    B: He has no money to lend the woman.
    C: He’ll lend the woman money tomorrow.
  • A


    • 0

      I can’t lend any more money to him, he is already in debt ______ me. A: to B: for C: with D: of

    • 1

      What does “He wisely refused to spend his money” mean? (TEM4-2008-59) A: It was wise of him to refuse to spend his money. B: He refused to spend his money in a wise manner. C: He was short of money and didn't want to buy anything. D: He refused, in a wise manner, to spend his money.

    • 2

      I don't want to lend any money to him; he's already in debt ______ me. A: to B: for C: of D: with

    • 3

      I don't want to lend money to him; he is already in debt ______ me. A: A) to B: B) for C: C) of D: D) with

    • 4

      What kind of the room does the woman like to have A: He can’t go to the park because he has no time. B: He will go to the park. C: He has time. D: He agrees with the woman.