• 2021-04-14
    Which of the following sentence has the opposite meaning from the other three?
  • That's not saying very much.


    • 0

      In the sentence “history denotes the whole of the human past”, which of the following has the closest meaning with the word “denotes”?

    • 1

      In this sentence “America is also a nation that prizes sociability and community”, which of the following has the closest meaning with the word “prizes”?

    • 2

      In the sentence “we have to go beyond the proximate cause”, which of the following has the closest meaning with the word “proximate”?

    • 3

      Which word has the opposite meaning to "informal"? A: formal B: former

    • 4

      In the sentence “Behind the merger boom lies the growing corporate conviction”, which of the following has the closest meaning with the word “conviction”?