• 2021-04-14
    Simile is used in the sentence “The waves were mountain high.”
  • 内容

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      What kind of figure of speech is used in the sentence “Nervous hours came.”?() A: synecdoche B: transferred epithet C: simile D: metaphor

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      What kind of figure of speech is used in the sentence “More haste, less speed.”?() A: metaphor B: irony C: simile D: oxymoron

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      The rhetorical device used in the sentence "Good fences make good neighbors" is called a ________. A: pun B: simile C: personification D: metaphor

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      What is the figure of speech used in the sentence "I spent a happy day yesterday."? A: Pun B: Transferred speech C: Simile D: Euphemism

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      What figure of speech is used in the following sentence? Stay strong, be positive, and keep focused. A: simile B: personification C: alliteration D: metaphor