• 2022-06-03
    7. Please buy milk, bread and fruit on your way home from work.
  • Please buy milk, bread, and fruit on your way home from work.


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      Which one of the following trips is not a home-based trip: ( ) A: From work to home B: From home to shop C: From work to shop D: From hospital to home

    • 1

      Which one of the following trips is not a home-based trip: ( ) A: From work to home B: From home to hospital C: From hospital to home D: From work to shop

    • 2

      This drink is made from fruit such as oranges. A: ice cubes B: juice C: milk

    • 3

      For Stanley, which of the following is available for breakfast? A: Bread, biscuits, milk, ice-cream B: Milk, bread, biscuit and orange C: Egg, bread, biscuit, and milk

    • 4

      I stopped ________(buy) bread on the way home. He have to stop _______(think) about it.