• 2022-06-03
    Helen gave her daughter ()
    A: a ring
    B: to a ring
    C: for a ring
    D: with a ring
  • A


    • 0

      Jack<br/>was reading a book when the phone ____. A: ringing B: ring C: rang D: was ringing E: was ring

    • 1

      In The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo Baggins inherits the One Ring from Bilbo Baggins, his cousin and guardian.

    • 2

      1) Her employee is a pleasant young woman with a ring named Rebecca.

    • 3

      Mary was given the same ring her mother and grandma _______with them to wedding.

    • 4

      She ______ a ring on her finger. A: dresses B: putting on C: is wearing D: have on