• 2022-05-31
    We will also visit some museums, _________________, the Forbidden City. (for instance)
  • for instance


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      The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( )

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      A group of( )will visit forbidden city tomorrow. A: Englishman B: American C: Australian D: Chinese

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      They opened a new store in our city, but not until last week ( ) it. A: we visited B: we would visit C: did we visit

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      They opened a new store in our city, but not until last week _________. A: we visited B: we would visit C: did we visit D: have we visited

    • 4

      Which one of the places will the man not visit? A: The Great Wall B: The Tiananmen Square C: The Forbidden City D: The Summer Palace