• 2022-05-31
    An exporter sells goods to a customer abroad on FOB and on CIF terms. Who is responsible for the freight charges in each? ( )
    A: A. Importer; exporter
    B: B. Exporter; importer
    C: C. Importer; importer
    D: D. Exporter; exporter
  • A


    • 0

      Under _______ factoring, the factors are responsible for collecting the exporter’s receivables subsequent to purchasing the same from the exporter, and the exporter informs the importer of paying the importer factor. A: disclosed B: undisclosed C: maturity D: advance

    • 1

      A freight forwarder is also called____. A: a commission agent B: an importer C: an exporter D: a customer

    • 2

      An exporter sells goods to a customer abroad on CIF and FCA terms. Who is responsible for the freight charges respectively() A: seller, seller B: seller, buyer C: buyer, seller D: buyer, buyer

    • 3

      International factoring can bring advantages to both importer and exporter, and the greatest one is that O/A and D/A terms can be accepted by the exporter and the importer because the risk has been passed onto the factor.

    • 4

      In counter-offer, both the importer and exporter can make the counter-offer with each other.