• 2022-05-31
    That airplane crash dealt a _____ blow to this airline company.
  • lethal


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      【单选题】18. A. A food company . C. A shipping company B. An IT company. D. An auto company. A. A food company . B. An IT company. C. A shipping company D. An auto company.

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      Which of the following is an example of a “back room” operation for an airline company? ( ). A: collecting tickets and checking passengers in at the gate B: serving food and drinks to passengers C: assisting passengers in getting off of the plane D: demonstrating use of the seat belt and other safety features of the airplane E: loading luggage onto the airplane

    • 2

      Excess baggage is charged to the airline company. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      中国大学MOOC: Excess baggage is charged to the airline company.

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      18. A. A food company . C. A shipping company B. An IT company. D. An auto company.