• 2022-05-31
    The top of a column slightly inward and the bottom outward with respect to the axis of the structure
    A: Ce-jiao (侧脚)
    B: Cheshang Mingzao (彻上明造)
    C: Sheng-qi (生起)
  • A


    • 0

      What are the two types of behaviour? A: Innate, learned B: Positive, negative C: External, internal D: Outward, inward

    • 1

      The inward and outward passengers carrying articles to declare shall choose the “Goods to Declare Channel” or “Green Channel”.

    • 2

      下列做法中,属于中国古代建筑中柱子做法的是()。 A: 生起 B: 侧脚 C: 收分 D: 减柱造 E: 以上都是

    • 3


    • 4

      Where do we put the Teddy Bear? A: top left B: top right C: middle D: bottom left E: bottom right