• 2022-05-31
    —Whose spoken English is better, Tom or Dick? —Dick, of course. He speaks () in our class.
    A: fluently
    B: more fluently
    C: the most fluently
  • C


    • 0

      He<br/>speaks English so fluently as if he ______ English in England. A: studied B: had<br/>studied C: would<br/>study D: should<br/>study

    • 1

      He spoke English confidently and fluently, _________impressed me most. A: that B: which C: so that D: it

    • 2

      He has been practicing English for eight years , and now he can speak English as fluently as his English teacher _____ . ?xml:namespace>

    • 3

      speak English ____________ A: disclose B: fluently C: review D: assignment

    • 4

      The American young man speaks Chinese as fluently as if he ______ a Chinese. A: is B: B. were C: C. has been D: had been