• 2022-05-31
    A: offer
    B: target point
    C: resistance point
    D: asking price
  • C


    • 0

      The target point is the___________. A: point at which a negotiator would like to conclude negotiations B: negotiator's bottom line C: first offer a negotiator quotes to his opponent D: initial price set by the seller

    • 1

      【单选题】BATNA与resistance point之间的关系是: B A. ATNA越优,resistance point越低 B. BATNA越差,resistance point越低 C. BATNA越优,resistance point越高 D. BATNA越差,resistance point越高

    • 2


    • 3

      BATNA与resistance point之间的关系是:B

    • 4

      The share exchange ratio is defined as A: Offer price for the target divided by the acquirer's share price B: Offer price for the target divided by the target's share price C: Acquirer's share price divided by the target's share price D: Target's share price divided by the offer price E: Acquirer's share price divided by the offer price