• 2022-05-31
    The history of English is often divided into ______.( )
    A: Late Modern English
    B: Middle English
    C: Early Modern English
    D: Old English
  • A,B,C,D


    • 0

      【单选题】The development of the English language can be divided into three periods:(). A. Ancient English, Old English, Modern English B. Old English,  Middle English, Standard English C. Old English,  Middle English, Modern English D. Old English,  Middle English, New English

    • 1

      The development of English can be divided into Old English, Middle English and Modern English.

    • 2

      Three periods of the development of the English language refer to<br/>_____ ______. A: Modern English B: Old English C: Middle English D: Early English

    • 3

      “The development of English language can be divided into four periods: Old English, Middle English, Modern English and Standard English.” This statement is __ A: True B: False

    • 4

      Modern English is further divided into Early Modern English and Later Modern English. A: 正确 B: 错误