• 2022-05-31
    Which of the followings provide energy?
    A: Fat
    B: Carbohydrate
    C: Water
    D: Protein
    E: Vitamins
  • A,B,D


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      Vitamins are the components of body tissues and provide energy for the body.

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      ( )intake is an important factor affecting egg weight. A: Protein B: Energy C: Lipid D: Vitamins

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      Which of the followings is Ser/Thr kinase? A: Protein kinase A B: MAPK C: Protein kinase C D: Protein kinase G E: MEK

    • 3

      The final products of digestion are ? A: fatty acids, starch, glucose B: protein, amino acids, glucose C: protein, fat, carbohydrate D: glucose, amino acids, fatty acids

    • 4

      Fruits are a good source of which nutrients? A: Vitamins, carbohydrates, and minerals B: Fats, carbohydrates and fiber C: Minerals, vitamins, and fiber D: Protein, fiber, and vitamins