• 2022-05-31
    Which of the following is NOT considered as a property of asphalt concrete?
    A: Thermal cracking resistance
    B: Tensile strength
    C: Compressive strength
    D: Fatigue crack resistance
  • C


    • 0

      Compared with plane concrete beams, reinforced concrete beams have much higher cracking resistance(抗裂能力).

    • 1

      The compressive strength of brittle materials is generally ( ) than its tensile strength.。 A: higher B: equal C: lower

    • 2

      Which of the following describes a material with high compressive strength but lowtensile strength A: tough B: B. brittle C: C. ductile D: D. malleable E: E. resilient

    • 3

      In conventional reinforced concrete, the high tensile strength of steel is combine with concrete's great ________________ to form a structural material that is strong in both ________ and ________.

    • 4

      Which of the following is the most appropriate description of a muscle power grade or strength of three plus (3+)? A: Muscle able to move joint against gravity with full resistance B: Muscle unable to move joint with gravity eliminated C: Muscle unable to overcome resistance other than gravity D: Muscle unable to move joint; palpable contraction of muscle E: Muscle able to move joint against gravity and some resistance