• 2022-05-31
    But for the strong winds at the top of the Empire State Building, it would be designed to serves as ______.
  • a port for airships


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      The empire state building has ______stories and was the first building to have more than 100 stories( ). A: 102 B: 105 C: 103 D: 104

    • 1

      Please choose the most recognizable images of the modern world. A: The Sydney Opera House B: Eiffel C: the Empire State Building

    • 2

      Which of the following is not in New York City?( ) A: Niagara Falls B: Times Square C: Statue of Liberty D: The Empire State Building

    • 3

      强风会增加损坏的风险。 A: Strong winds will increase the risk of damage. B: Strong winds will heighten the risk of damage. C: Strong winds will bring an increase to the risk of damage.

    • 4

      The new teaching building _______ by the end of last month. A: has been bulit B: had been bulit C: was designed D: would be designed