• 2022-06-03
    What kind of music does the man like best().
    A: Light music.
    B: English songs.
    C: American songs.
  • A


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      看对话,判断句子正误, 正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。Man:What’s your hobby, Sara?Woman: I like listening to the music.Man: Do you like to listen to English songs?Woman: Yes, they are my favorite.Man: I love listening to music, too. But I’m crazy about Chinese songs.( ) 1)The woman is crazy about Chinese songs.( ) 2)The woman’s favorite is English songs.( ) 3)The man likeslistening to music.( ) 4)The man doesn’t like Chinese songs.

    • 1

      M: What kind of music do you likeW: I like pop music and rock music. But, rock music is my favorite. What kind of music does the woman like best() A: Pop music. B: Classical music. C: Rock music. D: Country music.

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      What kind of music does the woman like best() A: Pop music. B: Rock music. C: Classical music. D: Country music.

    • 3

      Music is often seen as a magic path to learning a language. Which of the following is not the reason to learn English through music? A: Songs almost always contain authentic, natural language. B: A variety of new vocabulary can be introduced to students through songs. C: Grammar and cultural aspects can be introduced through songs. D: Songs contain silly, fun, poetic languages.

    • 4

      What kind of music does Mary like best? A: Pop music B: Rock music C: Classical music D: Rap music