• 2022-06-03
    Great men often have great _________.
    A: mistakes
    B: flaws
    C: misdeeds
    D: faults
  • D


    • 0

      You'll have( )time and a lot of fun on the way. A: good B: great C: a great D: a wanderful

    • 1

      have a great time

    • 2

      Although there are some flaws, which one hopes will be corrected in a ______ edition, this book is of great value. A: successful B: successive C: consequent D: subsequent

    • 3

      ________ mistakes and weaknesses, it did a great deal of good work inside the trade union..

    • 4

      --- I have sold the painting you saw last week at the price of 1000 Yuan.--- You have sold it? The painting is __________. You should not have sold it at such a low price. A: great value B: of great value C: of great valuable D: very value