• 2022-06-03
    It _____great!
    A: sound
    B: sounds
    C: hear
    D: hears
  • B


    • 0

      A: How are you today, Paul? B: I feel terribel. I have a earache. A: _________________________. A: I'm sorry to hear that. B: That's good. C: I'm glad to hear that. D: Sounds great!

    • 1

      必须清楚的听到声音。 A: You must hear the sound clearly. B: You must hear the sound distinctly. C: The sound must be audible and not garbled.

    • 2

      The idea ____________ great. A: sound B: listen C: sounds

    • 3

      English words are not always spelled (). A: in the way they sound B: in the way of their sounds C: as they' re sounding D: the way they sound

    • 4

      We look forward<br/>to _______ from you.() A: hear B: hearing C: heard D: hears