• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: What are the father’s personal experiences associated with eggs in Sherwood Anderson’s “The Eggs”?
  • nurturing eggs in the farm serving eggs in the restaurant entertaining the guests with eggs at the restaurant


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      What does the image of “eggs” symbolize in “ The Eggs”?

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      中国大学MOOC:"Jame’s father takes care of a vegatable garden and James peddles what his father grows.";

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      17e4483ed394b44.pngLast Sunday afternoon, Ben's mother _________. His father ___________, and his mother __________: 1 orange 2 eggs 3 hams 4 eggplants 5 green peppers. His father returned with a big bag and __________. In the bag there was one orange, two eggs, three hams, four eggplants, and five green peppers. Ben and his mom __________.

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      中国大学MOOC: Milk, eggs, sugar and flour are basic ______ in making a cake.

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      Things associated with Easter include the Easter Bunny, colorful decorated eggs, candy and Easter brunch.