• 2022-06-01
    The main use of liquid medium is ()
    A: isolation
    of single colony
    B: identification of strains
    C: observation of
    bacterial motility
    D: bacteria enrichment
    E: detection of bacterial
  • D


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      In the<br/>following causes of fever,whichis<br/>noninfective<br/>fever( ) A: bacterial B: viral C: rickettsial D: fungal E: antigen-antibody reaction

    • 1

      Gram staining is the most commonly used staining method, and its practical significance does not include () A: Identification of bacteria B: selection of antibiotics C: understanding of bacterial pathogenicity D: understanding of cell staining E: observing the special structure of bacteria

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      Mutations<br/>of many bacteria have relations with nutrients in culture medium and<br/>culture condition.

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      The main purpose of semi-solid medium is (). A: Check the motility of bacteria B: Check the ability of bacteria to metabolize glucose to produce acid and gas C: Check the ability of bacteria to metabolize tryptophan to produce indole D: None of the above

    • 4

      Which of the following<br/>is characteristic of atopic dermatitis in childhood<br/>__ __? A: Severe itching B: Exudation increased C: The lesions are mainly<br/>facial D: All have bacterial<br/>infection