• 2022-06-01
    Urination is a synonym for________________.
    A: voiding
    B: micturation
    C: peristalsis
    D: both A and B
  • D


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      Which statement is true regarding synonyms?() A: Synonyms can be created only for a table  B: Synonyms are used to reference only those tables that are owned by another user  C: A public synonym and a private synonym can exist with the same name for the same table  D: The DROP SYNONYM statement removes the synonym, and the table on which the synonym has been created becomes invalid

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      A procedure that allows a physician to look into the bladder and examine its interior is termed a___.( ) A: intravenous pyelogram B: cystogram C: voiding cystourethrogram D: cystoscopy

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      _______ is a synonym for “abnormal”. A: Difficult B: Unusual C: Urgent D: Dangerous

    • 3

      The synonym of “hub”is .( )。 A: path B: center C: passage D: shut

    • 4

      A synonym for "inherent" is ____. A: innocent B: inner C: innate D: innocuous