• 2021-04-14
    A: She saw them jumping on the bed. B: She saw them jump on the bed.
  • A: 她看见他们正往床上跳。 B: 她看见他们跳到床上去了。


    • 0

      She always makes ______ after she gets up. A: a bed B: B. the bed C: C. bed

    • 1

      —______ my glasses?—Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago. A: Do you see B: Had you see C: Would you see D: Have you seen

    • 2

      my glasses?Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago. A: Do you see B: Had you seen C: Would you see D: Have you seen

    • 3

      They saw a great deal of eachother, but, because Diana was so much younger and usually just one of a party, no one who saw them togetherever she was a girlfriend. . A: revealed B: suspected C: proceeded D: stretched

    • 4

      She( )to bed until she( ) he work.