• 2022-06-01
    In some countries a ……………… wind would be a welcome change to the hot summer they are suffering from.
  • cool


    • 0

      The temperature of the world in the past ten years has dropped a little ______. A: because wind and rain changed the weather B: the drop in the temperature would have effects on wind and rain C: because wind and rain did not change the weather D: the drop in the temperature would not have effects on wind and rain

    • 1

      ( ) 2. The passenger would drink some hot water because he felt cold.

    • 2

      In some developing countries, the result of protecting local industries from competition is ______.

    • 3

      From Yuzhou's exchange experience in Heidelberg, students from other countries or the teachers would like to _____.

    • 4

      Would you like _____ hot tea? A: some B: any more C: any D: drink