• 2022-06-01
    What will happen if I don't get a summer job? ( )
    A: You may be able to find a roommate when school starts.
    B: You’ll probably have to find a roommate when school starts.
  • B


    • 0

      You may be able to claim extra money when A: you have been hurt B: you can't find something wrong C: your clothes have been torn or lost D: damage has been caused by the faulty article

    • 1

      You don’t have to be your roommate’s BFF; you need to be _____. A: Friendly and respectively B: Cool

    • 2

      I don’t believe what you said , but if you can prove it , you may be able to __me

    • 3

      I won’t tell you; you’ll have to find ______for yourself. A: out B: in C: to D: with

    • 4

      When you come here for your holiday, don't go to ____ hotel; I can find you ____ bed in my flat. A: the; a B: the; / C: a; the D: a; /