• 2021-04-14
    In the US, the elite media are supposed to divert people with things like “professional sports, sex scandals, or the personalities and their problems,” according to What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream.
  • 内容

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      According to " Problems of meeting people," What is the biggest problem for the speaker? A: Meeting people B: Academic issues<br> C: Passing the examinaitons D: Joining the loal sports clubs

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      Please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions. According to what you have watched from the video, it is possible that social media is

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      What is a sleeper hit? A: A piece of media (like a film, album, or book) that becomes a success because of high costs B: A piece of media (like a film, album, or book) that becomes a failure despite high expectations C: A piece of media (like a film, album, or book) that becomes a big success despite low expectations D: A piece of media (like a film, album, or book) that becomes a failure despite high costs

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      1. Nina says that the media makes us A: less able to concentrate B: antisocial C: unable to spend time working

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      25. The author thinks the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is stronger in China because ________ A: A) the culture values doing things in groups B: B) people had no contact with the outside before C: C) social media play a bigger role in their lives D: D) following the trend is what people like most