• 2021-04-14
    The government troops recaptured the city from the rebels _______ two thousand casualties.
  • at the cost of


    • 0

      -How many students are there in your school? -There are over__________students in our school. A: two thousands B: two thousands of C: two thousand D: two thousand of

    • 1

      ________ volunteers will be needed for 2020 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. A: Two thousand of B: Two thousands of C: Thousand of D: Thousands of

    • 2

      What is the tuition for a full-time student A: One thousand eighty dollars. B: Two thousands eighty dollars. C: One thousand sixty dollars. D: Two thousand sixty dollars.

    • 3

      It was a big celebration-______people gathered at the city square. A: five thousands B: five thousand C: thousands D: thousand of

    • 4

      “2020年”通常怎么读? A: twenty twenty B: twenty and twenty C: two thousand and twenty D: two thousand twenty