• 2022-06-01
    A: correct
    B: fragment
    C: runon
    D: commasplice
  • B


    • 0

      "We decided to go out for a walk. Although it was raining." The second sentence is a sentence fragment, and it can not stand alone. We can correct it by attaching the fragment to its previous sentence: We decided to go out for a walk although it was raining.

    • 1

      She took dance classes, but she had no natural grace or sense of rhythm, so she eventually gave up the idea of becoming a dancer. A: correct B: run on C: fragment D: choppy

    • 2

      .________thereport,IhandedittoJohn,buthesaidthatGeorgewasthepersontosenditto. A: Beingfinished B: Havingfinished C: Finishing D: Tohavefinished

    • 3


    • 4

      在Activity中静态加载Fragment,是通过的Activity布局文件的( )标签引入Fragment的。 A: fragment B: C: D: