• 2022-06-01
    Which attribute of a logical volume can NOT be changed after it is created?()
    A: The placement of the logical volume
    B: The stripe size of the logical volume
    C: The upper bound of the logical volume
    D: The intra-policy of the logical volume
  • B


    • 0

      Which<br/>volume remains in the lungs after a tidal volume () is expired? () A: Tidal volume B: Vital capacity C: Expiratory reserve volume D: Residual volume E: Functional residual capacity

    • 1

      Which of the following is the bulk volume of the powder? A: True volume B: Void volume between particles C: Void volume in particles D: The sum of the above three

    • 2

      The pulmonary volume that buffered the change of alveolar partial pressure was A: Inspiratory reserve volume B: expiratory reserve volume C: deep inspiratory volume D: residual volume E: functional residual volume

    • 3

      LVM(Logical Volume Manager)的中文全称是___________,最早应用在IBMAIX系统上。它的主要作用是调整磁盘分区大小,并且可以让多个分区或者物理磁盘作为_________来使用

    • 4

      It might be thought that the volume of the replacement of blood should equal the volume which has lost.