• 2021-04-14
    16.The thief was _______ by the police at the railway station.
  • captured


    • 0

      In the police station I saw the man from _____ room the thief had stolen the TV set.

    • 1

      我昨天是在火车站遇到的黎明。 A: It was I who met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday. B: It was Li Ming who I met at the railway station yesterday. C: It was at the railway station that I met Li Ming yesterday. D: I was yesterday that I met Li Ming at the railway station.

    • 2

      If you don’t take the ID card you can go to ____ apply the Temporary Passenger ID. A: Information B: the Railway Police ID Services counter C: Railway Station Tickets D: Coach Station

    • 3

      [音频]He has to take a left turning at the traffic lights on Main Street and then a right turning at the 4 (, , ). A: police station B: petrol station C: railway station

    • 4

      I didn't know where _____. A: is the railway station B: the railway station is C: to go to the railway station