• 2022-06-01
    It was not until the accident happened ______.
    A: when I realized my carelessness
    B: that I realized my carelessness
    C: as I realized my carelessness
    D: when my carelessness has been realized
  • B


    • 0

      By the time I locked the door, I realized I ____my keys at home.

    • 1

      Only after I had reached the airport _______ that I had forgotten to take my ticket with me. A: A.I realized B: B.have I realized C: C.did I realize D: D.I had realized

    • 2

      惊恐之余,我突然意识到我有多爱她。 A: In my panic, I suddenly realized how much I loved him. B: To my panic, I suddenly realized how I loved him.

    • 3

      It was not until the outbreak of the disease ____ . A: when people realized the importance of health B: thatpeople realized the importance of health C: aspeople realized the importance of health D: when the importance of health has been realized

    • 4

      On my way to school, I realized<br/>that I had ______ my school bag at home. () A: left B: forgotten C: lost D: missed