• 2022-06-01
    Although ______ Chinese, Bush attended the course.
    A: was knowing
    B: he is knowing
    C: having a knowledge of
    D: knows
  • C


    • 0

      Try to have a real _______ of the course. Having it on your record doesn’t mean much. A: understanding B: understand C: knowing D: know

    • 1

      A) Having a good knowledge of its customs.B) Knowing some key people in tourism.C) Having been to the country before.D) Being able to speak Japanese.

    • 2

      No one, except his two best friends, _______where he is. A: know B: knows C: to know D: knowing

    • 3

      No one except Jack and Tom ___ the answer. A: are knows B: is knowing C: knows D: know

    • 4

      He talks as if he ____. A: knows all about it B: has known all about it C: knew all about it D: knowing all about it