• 2022-06-03
    Many old buildings have been___________ to make way for new housing.
    A: torn away
    B: torn down
    C: torn apart
    D: torn into
  • B


    • 0

      My fence was___ in the storm, so I need to put up a new one. A: distorted B: damaged C: broke D: torn down

    • 1

      词根trop、tour、torn的语义都可以是turn,但是()却并不是另外两个的异体。 A: trop B: tour C: torn

    • 2

      In a world so torn apart by rivalry, anger, and hatred, we have the __________ vocation to be living signs of a love that can bridge all divisions and heal all wounds.

    • 3

      In a world so torn apart by rivalry, anger, and hatred, we have the __________vocation to be living signs of a love that can bridge all divisions and heal all wounds.

    • 4

      film _____________ A: apply B: torn C: grade D: poste