• 2021-04-14
    When is the best time _________ Qingdao
  • to visit


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      According to the video description, ( ) is the best time to travel to Kazakhstan, when the weather is pleasant. A: spring B: winter C: summer D: autumn

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      When is the best time to travel in China for the foreigners? A: The Tomb-Sweeping Day B: May Day C: National Day D: Anytime but the public holidays

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      13,The price of treasuries rises as interest rates fall, and the opposite is true when interest rates rise. Therefore, the best time to buy treasuries is when interest rates are relatively ______. (high/low)

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      According to the passage, Brian believed that ______. A: his poems were the best at his time B: he and his group were the best at his time C: it was not necessary to have any knowledge when writing poems D: it was silly to reject the real world in order to express the ideal world

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      2. The best time for taking the pulse is in the deep night, when both the external and internal conditions of the patient are relatively quiet and his Qi and blood calm. ( )