• 2022-06-03
    He was severely criticized ________that he didn’t work hard.
    A: for the ground
    B: on the ground
    C: in the ground
    D: under the ground
  • B


    • 0

      In the sentence“ He is going to London.”, “London” is( ). A: trajector B: figure C: landmark D: ground

    • 1

      When the normative method determines the formula for calculating bearing capacity of ground, fa is( ) A: characteristic value of bearing capacity of ground B: modified characteristic value of bearing capacity of ground C: correction coefficient of bearing capacity of ground D: uncertain

    • 2

      When the tornado touches the ground, it does ___________________. It usually touches the ground for only about _______________, and it usually travels along the ground for only about ________________, but during that one minute, buildings are __________, trees are ____________ out of the ground, small objects are ________________, and sometimes people are ___________or _________.

    • 3

      When using the normative method to determine the formula for calculating bearing capacity of ground, fa is( ) A: characteristic value of bearing capacity of ground B: modified characteristic value of bearing capacity of ground C: correction coefficient of bearing capacity of ground D: uncertain

    • 4

      The Toulmin model of arguments consists of six components: claim, ground, warrant, backing, qualifier, and rebuttal. Which three components are primary? A: claim, warrant, rebuttal B: claim, ground, warrant C: ground, warrant, backing D: ground, warrant, rebuttal